Healing Stories

In-joy reading real testimonials from beings from across the Earth that the X Fam has helped to find true health, reverse dis-ease and evolve.


London, UK
Thanks to the X Fam, I have lost 50 lbs and healed my diabetes in only 4 months. Not to mention my whole family is now eating whole food plant based...

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and we have all become so much happier. Cannot thank these amazing teachers enough, real practical knowledge.


Bristol, UK
I had a friend who has stage 4 lymphoma and I know Josh personally. He guided her through a transitional diet and in only 6 weeks she had the...
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all clear. Thank you family. We are so grateful, words cannot convey.


Omg, I cannot believe these virtues and how much I can see. I have never understood life until now. I am amazed.. Highly recommend the x family...
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courses. Next level teachings. I cannot say that to you enough. Love you so much..


I first became aware of Josh through his wonderful videos which spoke to my soul and activ-ate-d something inside of me I could not quite describe…

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I felt compelled to reach out to Josh for answers to my wife’s healing and 8 months later we have both progressed significantly more in our awareness of life and finding true heal-th during this short time than the previous 30 years on this p-lane-t. If you have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, these teachings and way of be-in-g will bring you back to the self and finding true ma-star-y of this experience. Words cannot express how profoundly grateful we are for Josh & Michelle X and their incredible gnosis, teachings and loving guidance…they are truly the most caring and kind beings who have devoted their life to truth, healing others, expanding awareness and unlocking our true hu-man cap-abilities…


I have been conscious my whole life and been through so mamy spiritual teachers, I have never been so enlightened as to following Joshua x...
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and the x family. I have had private 1 on 1s and i must say. I get put back on track to my next stages of evolution.. A true wise teacher that is the living embodyment of the truth. Thank you from the depths of my soul...


With the x families posture correction course i can truly say, i am 68 and have never walked without pain, until now and i am really enjoying the yoga...
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You are such a gift to the world...
All my love..

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