Fasting Begins June 1st - Your day will be all that you are!


Good day beautiful family.

How has your day been? were you present, slow and steady ? Staying in a non judgemental unreactive space? Have you the eyes to see the mind and the courage to break the limitations which only exist as ideas, mentalisation and ultimately illusions.? Do you spend time contemplating and taking the Ego to what it perceives as uncomfortable places?

The Ego only knows the past, and tries to predict the future - remember this is groundhog day. Stay fresh as each moment is renewed!

Have you maintained the strength and ability to do what you know to be right and giving others the space to be themselves??

Your freedom is down to you! Your issues are you! The path of least resistance allows the fluid flowing life to engage with the one whom is like water, empty yet present everywhere, soft and strong, can hold any shape and quench the thirst of all that surround it..

A confirmation that the fast begins June the 1st, a very exciting challenge for all those who are taking part!

The Q&A will be this Sunday so be sure to join us and open up your questions/pandoras box and move one step closer to liberation.



There is no time like the present, a gift that most never unwrap.

To untangle the in-tangle-ment is a journey that most fall into traps.

A mind full of questions with a world full of answers, lost in the medium, finding disease, war and cancer.

What you seek is health, love, freedom and happiness, whom has health, feels love, freedom and happiness?

It is you that is the source of all that you seek, fine tuning yourself to be that which is free, the mana from heaven, the angel on earth - expanding awareness gives all you de-serve!!!

DONT be a slave to the EGO, Serve the SELF!



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