Good day fantastic fasters.
We are approaching the Solstice, our days are filled with so much light here in the UK, almost 20 hours per day including twilight. What hours of light are you experiencing??
We begin water fasting tomorrow.
NOTE: Do not feel obligated to do the water fasting, approach with intuition - Its important to be very aware and sure that you are not in any deficiencies - (especially b12, iodine and Vitamin D)..
If you are ready, lets embrace the cleanse in purity and stillness together.
This is the most powerful longevity tool, re-pair and rejuvenation we have - There is no magical pill!!
It is such a joy to have community and unity with like minded family. You are all an incredible blessing to our world.
Any questions please DM/private message or on this updates comment section.
No matter how long you have fasted for, you are incredible! Many cannot attain such mastery over the mind.
We commend you for your amazing strength and abilities
infinite love and light