
I often get asked questions regarding proper hydration and what water is the best for drinking.
If we look at the water in our body, it is of a crystalline structure, our blood and cells are not purely H20 - it contains dissolved salts, sugars, amino acids and other solutes that alter its molecular behaviour.
These dissolved components do enable water to more readily permeate membranes and tissues to hydrate cells. So you could consider bodily water a "structured" solution.
Fresh fruits deeply hydrate cells due to dissolved nutrients that effectively structure the fluid. Salts like potassium, magnesium, and sodium in fruits enhance water's permeability, enabling more ready absorption across tissue membranes. Amino acids also facilitate fluid transfer into the cells.
As we know fruits are high in water content, have vitamins, minerals and amino acids and are the most abundant, forever giving designed perfectly with seeds to replicate itself time after time but there is something we have been blessed with which is the most hydrating of all and that is coconut water.
Its important to note when someone is severely dehydrated like in heat stroke, the priority is rapid water to restore volume, so plain water still replenishes fastest in crisis hydration.
For me the best water to consume will always be distilled water, perfectly empty and by re adding in essential electrolytes, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and potassium bi-carbonate allow the body to hydrate at a cellular level- It can assist absorption by adding a very small amount of honey/simple sugar, i will give some measurements below.
To make 1 litre of water optimally hydrating by adding electrolytes like sodium, magnesium, and potassium, here are some general guidelines on the proportions:
Sodium: 100-200 mg
Potassium: 200-400 mg
Magnesium: 50-100 mg
These ranges would approximate the electrolyte profile found in coconut water, which is an excellent hydrating drink.
A more specific formula I would recommend is:
1 litre distilled water
115 mg sodium (from 1/4 tsp salt)
390 mg potassium (from 1/2 tsp potassium chloride)
60 mg magnesium (from 1/4 tsp magnesium citrate or glycinate)
By adding a small amount of honey simple sugar (around 4-6 grams per litre) to help facilitate sodium/electrolyte absorption.
This electrolyte-enhanced water mimics the ionic composition of bodily fluids to optimize hydration at the cellular level. The sodium and potassium aid water uptake into cells, while magnesium is involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions.
Living foods untouched by man carbo-hydrates fuel our system to allow it to function optimal,
When we are very aware and have experienced the worlds COMMERCIAL processes we will know the need for certain supplementation, Magnesium is one of the most common mineral deficiencies found in agricultural soils worldwide which leads to magnesium deficiency being a widespread problem in human populations.
It is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies, alongside vitamin D, B12, iron, and calcium. It is estimated that up to 50% of people in the United States and Europe are lacking magnesium .
So if we have some concern over the quality of our food, make your water of the highest quality.
Having  fresh fruit juices, coconut water and raw food should leave one incredibly hydrates at the cells,
When eating cooked food and have access to less fruits its important for you to drink plenty of quality water
Have an incredible day
Infinite Love and Light
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